Speaker, Edo State House of Assembly Christmas Message

We once again celebrate Christmas, a season during which we make a concerted effort to spread good tidings of peace, joy, and goodwill to all Edos the world over.

I would like to use this opportunity that Christmas brings to wish all citizens and residents of Edo State a blessed and peaceful holiday season.

My encouragement to everyone at this time is that we continue to allow ‘hope’ to fill our hearts and keep us moving forward. That hope should exist not only in good times, but even more so, in the bad times. That hope should not only reign when the way is clear, but also in the midst of uncertainty. Hope for a brighter, more prosperous tomorrow for Edo State in particular and Nigeria in general.

My sincere hope and prayer for you in this special period is that God will continue to shower His richest blessings on each of us as we each play our part in planting seeds of hope in the hearts and lives of those around us.

As we celebrate the Christmas may the joy of a rebirth rekindle genuine love for all and the need to stay safe and observe all covid 19 protocols .

May God continue to bless us all, and to bless our dear state.

Long Live Nigeria!
Long Live Edo State!

Rt Hon Marcus Onobun (ksc)
Edo State House of Assembly

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