Marcus Onobun Mentorship Forum (MOMF)

Youth make up a large segment of the population in Edo state, but they often feel that traditional political discourse, leadership spheres, and mentoring mechanisms do not represent nor favor them because they participate little in decision-making or discussions on key socioeconomic and political issues.

Recently, a lot of conversations have been going on as to what is the role of youths in addressing the challenges they faced? There are also calls for inclusion, equity, social justice, and cultural diversity for this surging population.

Like Rt. Hon. Marcus Onobun, Speaker, Edo State House of Assembly said during the #EndSARS protest which rock the country last year, “… investing in the young generation and retooling our leadership recruitment process, are the key pillars for advancing development geared towards achieving sustainable peace for the country…” This statement remains valid given our present realities.

Consequently, Marcus Onobun Organization has decided to deepen this conversation with its first edition of Marcus Onobun Mentorship Forum (MOMF), themed ACTIVATE: Enhancing the Role of Youths in Addressing Youth Challenges, scheduled for Friday, 26 March 2021 by 7 pm via zoom.

In this framework, the Mentorship Forum will underpin the process of youth inclusion in society from a rights-based perspective, going beyond the basic pillars of education, empowerment, and employment to encompass other dimensions of social inclusion that are also crucial for the youth to progress not only in the objective parameters of inclusion but also in subjective ones— the development of youth capacities and potentials so that they can feel they belong to a society they help to build.

A brainchild of Rt. Hon. Marcus, the forum which is opened to every youth also seeks to inspire, and get youth involved in spheres of policies, education, culture, employment, mental health, leadership, peace building, and political participation through seminars, workshops, conferences, and interactive sessions.

To participate, visit

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